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Case History: Pesticide Poisoning 

Three boys ranging in years from age seven to age 12 were walking along a North Carolina Highway. They were caught in the "spray" of a dusting airplane. The youngest boy had been covered by the other two and so received little exposure. He was seen in the emergency room of the local hospital and sent home. The other two boys had different physicians. One lad age 12, under our care, was given 10 grams of sodium ascorbate  with a 50 cc syringe every 8 hours. The concentration was one gram for each 5 cc diluent. He was returned home on the second hospital day. The third boy received supportive treatment but did not receive sodium ascorbate. His body was something to see. The spray had produced an allergic dermatitis as well as a chemical burn. He died on the 5th hospital day.


Case History:
Nasal Diphtheria

Three children, living in the same neighborhood, developed nasal diphtheria. All three children had different physicians. A little girl under our care was given 10 grams sodium ascorbate, intravenously, with a 50 cc syringe every 8 hours for the first 24 hours and then every 12 hours for two times. She was then put on one gram ascorbic acid every two hours by mouth. She lived and is now a graduate nurse. The other children did not receive ascorbic acid and both died.


Case History: Poliomyelitis 

Although we were able to cure many cases of polio with massive doses of ascorbic acid, one single instance demonstrates the value of vitamin C. Two brothers were sick with poliomyelitis. These two boys were given 10 and 12 grams of ascorbic acid, according to weight, intravenously with a 50 cc syringe, every eight hours for 4 times and then every 12 hours for 4 times. They also were given one gram every two hours by mouth around the clock. They made complete recovery and both were athletic stars in high school and college. A third child, a neighbor, under the care of another physician received no ascorbic acid. This child also lived. The young lady is still wearing braces.

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Case History: Snake bite 

Child of 4 years was struck on the lower leg by a  large highland moccasin  at 7:00 PM, while at play in the yard of her country home. Seen in the emergency room of the local hospital at 7:30 PM, the child was vomiting, was crying because of severe pain in her leg, which she held with both hands above the "fang marks". Fever was 99.0°F. Four grams of sodium ascorbate was given intravenously at 7:35 PM with a 20 cc syringe. The following 25 minutes were taken to follow a skin test on anti-venom.

At this time and before the anti-venom was administered the child had stopped vomiting, she had stopped crying and was sitting on the emergency room table, laughing and drinking a glass of orange juice. She commented: "Come on, Daddy, I'm all right now, let's go home."

She was allowed to return home with the understanding that her father would give me a report, by phone, each hour during the night. This he did. His report, each time, was that the child was sleeping as usual and that except for moderate swelling to the "calf of the leg", appeared normal. Seen in the office at 10:00 AM the following morning she still demonstrated the small amount of swelling of her leg and had 1/2 degree fever. She was given a second dose of 4 grams of sodium ascorbate intravenously. Seen at 5 PM she had no fever but the swelling remained constant.  There was no pain.  The following day, 38 hours after being bitten, she was completely normal. Since this was our first case of snake bite treated with vitamin C, we elected to give an additional 4 grams of sodium ascorbate on this visit. No other antibiotics were given and none was required. Since she had had a booster injection of tetanus toxoid in recent months, none was given at this time.

Comparing this to an earlier case of snake bite in a 16 year old girl, struck by a moccasin of about the same size, as gauged from the fang marks, on the hand while pulling tobacco plants, and who was hospitalized for three weeks. She was given 3 doses of anti-venom. The arm was compressed continuously with magnesium sulfate solution. Swelling was four times that of the opposite arm and striae [stretch marks] developed over the entire surface. This patient received no vitamin C other than that found in a regular hospital diet. Morphine was required to control pain. (We no longer use anti-venom.)

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Case History: An Insidious virus 

This was a child of 18 months. She was seen in the driveway to my home at about 7:00 PM. The child had strangled on food while eating supper. A cursory examination given in the front seat of an automobile revealed an extremely restless, whining child. The temperature was 98.6°F. (axillary 10 minutes-corrected). There was no obstruction to the air-ways. We did elicit the information that the child had had a cold for several days.

Remembering that I had seen children dead within 30 minutes to two hours after hospital admission without treatment, I decided to buy some time. The Uncle was asked to take the child to the emergency room of the local hospital where the intern on duty reported by phone, that the child was unconscious to a point where she responded only to pain stimuli.  Rectal temperature taken at the hospital was 98.4°F (corrected). The pulse rate was 152 per minute and respirations were 32 per minute. It was impossible to visualize the throat because the mouth was "locked" as one finds after stimulation in lockjaw. Our impression was that the virus had now entered the brain.

Thirty grams of sodium ascorbate, in divided doses, was given intra-muscularly over a period of 36 hours. Crystalline penicillin was started on the second day and 300,000 units were administered in divided doses over the next three days. This was added to block secondary invaders. The nursing log showed the temperature to be 99.0°F. (corrected) 1½ hours after admission and 1½ hours later it was recorded at 100.0°F. (corrected). The nursing log at this time read: "Shows no sign of consciousness." Temperature was 101.2°F four hours after admission and was 102.4°F (corrected) after six hours. Now the nursing log read: "Baby swallowed water without difficulty." At this point the temperature curve started back down and by 7:00 AM (11 hours following admission) the child was alert and taking water freely from a spoon. Twenty eight hours after the first injection of sodium ascorbate the temperature was normal. Liquid vitamin C was given by mouth. Discharge was on the 5th hospital day. The initial low fever recording indicated that the child was dying; after ascorbic acid therapy she began to respond, thus the fever. After the virus was killed, the temperature returned to normal.


Case History: Monoxide Poisoning

State highway employee carried into my office in unconscious condition. He was a known diabetic. The breathing was not Kussmaul type and his skin was warm and dry. We elicited the information that he had been found in the cab of his truck with the windows closed and the engine running. It was a cold Winter day. Entertaining a diagnosis of Monoxide intoxication we immediately gave 12 grams sodium ascorbate with a 50 cc syringe using a 20 gauge needle. (We employ a 20 G. needle when using a 50 cc syringe; 21 G needle for a 30 cc syringe; 22 G needle for a 20 cc syringe and a 23 G needle for a 10 cc syringe. This assists in controlling the rate of flow which is important, especially, in young children). Within 10 minutes the patient was awake, sitting up on the edge of the examining table, rubbing his eyes and saying: "Doc, what in the world am I doing up here in your office." He returned to his place of employment within 45 minutes.

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Observations made on over 300 consecutive obstetrical cases using supplemental ascorbic acid, by mouth, convinced me that failure to use this agent in sufficient amounts in pregnancy borders on malpractice. The lowest amount of sodium ascorbate used was 4 grams and the highest amount 15 grams each day. (Remember the rat-no stress manufactures equivalent "C" up to 4 grams and with stress up to 15 grams). Requirements were roughly 4 grams first trimester, 6 grams second trimester and 10 grams third trimester. Approximately 20 percent required 15 grams, each day, during last trimester.


Eighty percent of this series received a booster injection of 10 grams, intravenously, on admission to the hospital. Hemoglobin levels were much easier to maintain. Leg cramps were less than three percent and always was associated with "running out" of Vitamin C tablets. Striae gravidarum [stretch marks] was seldom encountered and when it was present there existed an associated problem of too much eating and too little walking. The capacity of the skin to resist the pressure of an expanding uterus will also vary in different individuals. Labor was shorter and less painful. There were no postpartum hemorrhages. The perineum was found to be remarkably elastic and episiotomy was performed electively. Healing was always by first intention and even after 15 and 20 years following the last child the firmness of the perineum is found to be similar to that of a primigravida in those who have continued their daily supplemental vitamin C. No patient required catheterization. No toxic manifestations were demonstrated in this series. There was no cardiac stress even though 22 patients of the series had rheumatic hearts.


One patient in particular was carried through two pregnancies without complications. She had been warned by her previous obstetrician that a second pregnancy would terminate with a maternal death. She received no sodium ascorbate with her first pregnancy. This lady has been back teaching school for the past 10 years. She still takes 10 grams of sodium ascorbate daily. Infants born under massive sodium ascorbate therapy were all robust. Not a single case required resuscitation. We experienced no feeding problems. The Fultz quadruplets were in this series. They took milk nourishment on the second day. These babies were started on 50 mg sodium ascorbate the first day and, of course, this was increased as time went on. Our only nursery equipment was one hospital bed, an old, used single unit hot plate and an equally old 10 quart kettle. Humidity and sodium ascorbate tells this story. They are the only quadruplets that have survived in south-eastern United States.


Another case of which I am justly proud is one in which we delivered 10 children to one couple. All are healthy and good looking. There were no miscarriages. All are living and well. They are frequently referred to as the vitamin C kids, in fact all of the babies from this series were called "Vitamin C Babies" by the nursing personnel--they were distinctly different.


Severe burns and related therapy

Death can result either from the toxemia alone or from associated septicemia. We have found that the secret in treating burns can be summarized in five steps: 

  1. The use of the "old covered wagon" type cradle when indicated, with three 25 watt bulbs to keep warm. No garments or dressings are allowed; 

  2. A 3% ascorbic acid solution as a spray over the entire area of the burn every 2 to 4 hours for a period of roughly five days

  3. After five days use vitamin A and D ointment over the area of the burn and alternate four hourly with the 3% sodium ascorbate solution; 

  4. Administration of massive doses of sodium ascorbate by vein and by mouth. 500 mg per Kg body weight diluted to at least 18 cc per gram vitamin C run in as fast as a 20 gauge needle or catheter will carry the flow. Cut-downs are frequently necessary and the foot-ankle area is recommended. Vitamin C solution is repeated every 8 hours for the first several days, then at 12 hour intervals. Ascorbic acid, by mouth, is given to tolerance. Loose stools is accepted as this index. Using large doses of sodium ascorbate IV will necessitate the administration of at least one gram calcium gluconate, daily, to replace free calcium ions removed in the breakdown chemical action as sodium ascorbate goes to dehydrosodium ascorbate, then to ketogulonic acid and later to oxalic acid as the calcium salt; 

  5. Supportive treatment; that is, whole blood and maintaining electrolyte balance. 

If seen early after the burn there will be no infections and no eschar [a type of scab] formations. This eliminates fluid formation, since the eschar traps will not exist and there will be no distal edema because the venous and lymphatic systems will remain open. There will be no arterial obstruction and no nerve compression. Pseudomonas [a family of infectious bacteria] will not be a problem, since sodium ascorbate destroys the exotoxin systemically and locally. Even if the burn is seen late when pseudomonas is a major problem the gram negative bacilli will be destroyed in a few days leaving a clean healthy surface. I have seen eschars 2 inches wide and a half inch thick, so severely infected that the stench had to be controlled with deodorizing sprays, melt away when employing the method outlined.

Sodium ascorbate also eliminates pain so that opiates or their equivalent are not required.

In extremely extensive burns that involve back and front of the patient, the "Hoverbed" employed by the British should be considered. It uses the same principle as the hovercraft to lift a solid object.


What has been overlooked in burns is that there are many living epithelial cells in the areas that grossly look like "raw muscle." With the use of sodium ascorbate these cells are kept viable, will multiply and soon meet with other proliferating units in the establishment of a new integument.

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As an example of the lethal effect of certain stings and bites, I briefly relate a case history. An adult male came to my office complaining of severe chest pain and the inability to take a deep breath. Stated that he had been "stung" or "bitten" 10 minutes earlier. Thinking that it was a Black Widow and not bothering to look for fang marks, due to the gravity of the situation, I gave one gram calcium gluconate intravenously. This gave no relief. He begged for help saying he was dying. He was becoming cyanotic [blue or livid skin from lack of oxygen]. Twelve grams of vitamin C was quickly pulled into a 50 cc syringe and with a 20 gauge needle was given intravenously as fast as the plunger could be pushed. Even before the injection was completed, he exclaimed, "Thank God". The poison had been neutralized that rapidly. He was sent home to locate the "culprit". He soon returned with an object that looked like a mouse. It was 1 1/2 inches long with long brown hair. There was a dark ridge down the entire back. It had seven pairs of propelling units and a tail much like a mouse. The following day I took "The Thing" to Duke University where it was identified as the Puss Caterpillar. This unusual caterpillar left 44 red raised marks on the back of its victim. Except for vitamin C this individual would have died from shock and asphyxiation.

Smart Phone Users

Please be advised that these two videos and the Klenner paper in a subsequent section may not display on mobile devices. Apparently a common failing.

2016 Dr Marik rediscovers Klenner's IV C
Cures Sepsis, Saving Patients Lives
(2 mins)

2009 60 Minutes New Zealand
Farmer's Life Saved by IV C
and Liposomal C (18 mins)

 ^ These two videos  demonstrate the dramatic effects of Vitamin C. Yet despite both having been shown on mainstream media, they received no worldwide attention. Neither the WHO (World Health Organization), nor the CDC, nor even any health department of any nation, has implemented this panaceatic treatment. This in itself is evidence that the WHO, the governments of the world, and the media, are in the tight control of Deep State's Freemason-Illuminati agents.

Lipsomal C

 A close approximation  of intravenous Vitamin C is Liposomal C. This is an oral supplement that needs no medical professional to administer, yet saves lives just the same.

The best brand that I have used is from Livon Labs. Other brands seem to be padded out with diluents.

Livon On Liposomal C can be found here:

*US supplier also supplies the following countries:

  • Armed Forces Americas

  • Armed Forces Europe

  • Armed Forces Pacific

  • Bahamas

  • Barbados

  • Belize

  • Bermuda

  • Curaçao

  • Hong Kong

  • Jamaica

  • Japan

  • Macau

  • Malaysia

  • Northern Mariana Islands

  • Peru

  • Philippines

  • Puerto Rico

  • Singapore

  • Thailand

  • Trinidad and Tobago

  • United States

  • Virgin Islands (British)

  • Virgin Islands (USA)

Disclaimer. Neither Livon Labs nor any other business is affiliated with this website. Information provided for convenience.

Klenner Vitamin C Paper
Full Text

This is the full text of Dr Klenner's original article that was published in the


in 1971.

It would be wise to download this paper so if the internet fails there will be copies available.

Best viewed on a desktop PC.

Indoctrinated Doctors:

This story illustrates the depth of brainwashing our brightest minds are subject to.


In 2018 I gave a copy of the above Klenner paper to a doctor at Carnarvon Hospital in Western Australia, where I worked as a lowly cleaner (Hospital Orderly).

This doctor, we knew him only as 'Dr Lawrence', being a true doctor who was only concerned with healing his patients, actually read the paper while spending a month on leave.

On his return he excitedly sought me out, declaring that he never knew the information in this paper. Yet doctor Lawrence was a doctor of the highest caliber. Having worked with him in the Emergency Department on night shift for a few months, I had seem him calmly handle, and heal, the most stressful and medically difficult patients.

He thoughtfully told me that, as a result of reading the Klenner paper, he intended to resign as hospital doctor and take up private practice, meanwhile seeking out other concealed health information.

The bright lights of these dark times are the great people such as Dr Lawrence who firmly adhere to principle while suppressing their own ego, thereby ascending to new heights of knowledge.

-John Newbold

“...there is nothing of greater importance to mankind than the investigation of truth.”



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