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Strata of Society

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Our world has three main levels:

Deep State

The Freemason-Illuminati

We Naive Public

The global government who covertly and forcefully dictate policy to national governments, UN agencies, corporations. Deep State's Belief: Self superior; the kings of the earth. Scriptural Reality: "Lay not aside the fear of God, O kings of the earth, and beware that ye transgress not the bounds which the Almighty hath fixed. Be vigilant, that ye may not do injustice to anyone, be it to the extent of a grain of mustard seed."

This group is comprised of government members, heads of corporations, police, armed forces, and government departments. Deep State's Belief: Useful idiots. Talented but easily deceived. Scriptural Reality: "O Oppressors on Earth! Withdraw your hands from tyranny, for I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man’s injustice."

Weaponized against themselves through Deep State-controlled propaganda media, the public are anxiously obeying orders to mutilate and kill themselves while exerting pressure on others to comply. Deep State's Belief: Useless eaters. Disposable; of no worth. Scriptural Reality: "I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life."

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"As to ... the kings, they are indeed the manifestations of the name of God “the Almighty” and the revealers of His name “the All-Powerful”. The vesture that beseemeth their glorious temples is justice. Should they become adorned therewith, mankind will partake of perfect tranquillity and infinite blessings"
"A just king is the shadow of God on earth"
"A just king enjoyeth nearer access unto God than anyone."


Deep State


At the top are the handful of people who are often referred to as Deep State. This descriptive title is used because they are the hidden actual government, while the outward governments are figureheads who follow their commands. There is only one Deep State for the whole planet - the governments of the various countries are their vassals. Deep State are the multi-generational, oligarchical council of kings who plan to emerge from their obscurity after the global war in 2039. It is unknown who precisely are the members of Deep State but possibilities include Rockefellers, Kissingers and Rothschilds.



The next level down are the Freemason-Illuminati who are the executive officers for Deep State. The triumphal idea that Deep State devised in taking over the world was to enlist the aid of an army of talented, loyal servants. The Freemason and Illuminati organisations, being secret societies, were the perfect vehicle for this as even the members themselves do not know the full aims and practices of other members on higher levels, aims and practices which are revealed as an individual progresses to each new level - a progression that is dependent on their usefulness to the aims of Deep State. Each level is given a different version of the aims of the organisation so only those at the top know, more or less, the full story of the work they do. However, even those at the top have the full truth withheld from them - one such truth being that the entire Freemason-Illuminati group will be extinguished in one ruthless act in 2039 once they are securely locked in their bunkers. As our cities are being burned by thermonuclear blasts above, they will be extinguished below.



In a godless society it is not difficult to recruit people to do ones bidding:


  1. Without the fear of God, that is; the hope for reward and the fear of punishment in the Eternal Realm, many people have no moral compass to guide their decisions. These people can be swayed by bribes and threats.

  2. The threats are provided by hiring bloodthirsty henchmen, those who maim and murder the honorable and their families who refuse to be corrupted. Captain Ken Masters and Dr David Kelly are two of many who have been “suicided”, murder made to appear as suicide, for refusing Deep State’s agenda.

  3. The bribes and rewards come when some power has been achieved and money can be siphoned from the system - first companies and corporations, then government money once they are running the country. This money is then lavished on the members of the Freemason-Illuminati - the executive. An example of this syphoned money is the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced on 10 September 2001 as being unaccounted for. When a group has unlimited wealth at their disposal in a godless society they can do anything on this earth.

  4. A set of rituals to provide ceremony, solemnity and a sense of deep import to Freemason-Illuminati members psyche.

  5. Flattery to boost the egos of those who are lauded as the chosen ones. Deceased members have their lives canonized in adulatory eulogies to further the resolve of living members.

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^ The All-Seeing Eye: The pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye capstone on the US dollar is a symbol of Deep State. The top picture shows that all celebrities and people in positions of power must pledge their allegience to them.


^ Beyonce in Concert: She seems delighted to perform a show dedicated to Deep State and Illuminati practice. The pregnant abdomen is symbolic of the New World Order to be 'born' in 2042.


^ Satanic Demon-stration: Madonna in concert joyfully pays homage to the mythical Satan as she adopts the classical "As above, so below" body posture.

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2012 London-Olympics-Opening-Ceremony DE
London 2012 Olympics Some Americans left
2012 Olympics Boris Johnson in Hospitalp

^ Covert Covid Warning: The ceremonies at the London 2012 Olympics warned us of the 2020 Covid soft martial law eight years later. The naive public will not remember the warning, having naively believed the cover story of it being a tribute to the National Health Service.

Exhibit A. The Murder Weapon..png

^ Drones on Demand: The aim of vaccines is to reduce the capacity to think and, in the case of covid ferro-protein, to use radio-control via 5G and Starlink acting on magnetogenetic nanoparticles to modulate our feelings of anxiety and contentment.

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^ All For a Good Cause: Bombing a country prior to expanding one's empire is made more palatable by referring to it as 'bringing democracy to the Middle East".

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^ Regularly Scheduled Programming: Television has given Deep State the power to program the thoughts of the people of the planet. "Everything you think, do and say is in the pill you took today"

In the Year 2525

Zager and Evans

The Naive Public


The rest of the population, just as indoctrinated as the Freemason Illuminati group, are the ones who have to be coerced into doing Deep State’s will while still believing in the fairy tales of democracy, justice, caring governments, and a society based on merit. Various means are adopted to achieve this:


National Security: There is almost nothing that well meaning people wont do when they believe they are working for justice, peace, freedom and the like. Scientists will develop terrible weapons for killing, unaware that those weapons will be used against their own families and friends one day rather than the evil Chinese, Russian or North Koreans they were misled to believe were the enemy. Those scientists are sure to be dismayed when they see their DEW invention, as an example, being used all around the globe to burn people alive in their vehicles and homes.


The Need to Live: When the only jobs available are serving the interests of Deep State then our choice becomes whether to live in poverty or serve the evil government. Vaccines cause autism and are an unnecessary evil as intravenous vitamin C cures all viruses, poisonings such as spider and snake bite, and sepsis, etc. However, even a nurse who knows this may have to either choose poverty or administer autism to babies. Only if a sufficient percentage of people are aware will things change, but that sufficient percentage will never be attained - certainly not now that we have entered 2023. At some point during this year we will have complete martial law and the total curtailment of all freedoms which will prohibit the investigation of truth.


Good Causes: All good causes are like cattle yard fencing and loading races, pretexts to herd the people into modes of action that reinforce Deep State’s hold over us - carbon footprint, global warming, fighting cancer (which, by the way, has many cures - all of them suppressed by Deep State), herd immunity (gracious God, the gullibility involved in believing the herd immunity doctrine is staggering), bringing democracy (or peace) to whichever country they want to control, etc.


Media: All media are indoctrination tools used to great effect to mass hypnotize the public, programming them to have automated responses to any attempt to provide truth information to them. The word CONSPIRACY, for example, will always be followed by the word THEORY in people who are indoctrinated by the media.

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