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2023     TO     2039

When examining available options for preparing for the changes and perils that are coming our way, firebrands may consider armaments and fortified houses, enterprising survivalists may consider ingratiation with authorities (teachers pet response), peace-lovers may plan to retreat to a log cabin in the wilderness, and fatalists may simply hope they are under the bomb when it explodes.

First, be aware that NOTHING [except the Will of God] is going to stop:

the Great Reset of 2023

the nuclear holocaust between 2023 and 2039

the New World Order of 2042

The authorities tightly control the media and there is nothing that is too absurd for the people to believe once it is broadcast on the media. The people of society are so credulous of authority and so agressive to anyone who diverges from their indoctrination that there is no hope that they will ever have a mind capable of independent thought. What is coming, is coming. All we can do is prepare as best we can - physically, mentally and spiritually.


Whichever response we choose, firebrand, ingratiator, retreater or fatalist, we need to be aware of some essential information so that our choice can be infused with understanding and hope. That essential information is the topic for this page.



Reflect on the Inevitability of Death


  • Life does not end with our death, it is simply a birth from a temporary, material existence to our eternal life in the worlds of light and love. People who have died and been resuscitated often report great reluctance to return to this life -"I have made death a messenger of joy to thee. Wherefore dost thou grieve?"

  • Everyone who ever lived has died. After 100 years from now, everyone currently alive will be dead - that includes you, me, and our oppressors. Other generations, people not yet born, will be running society. - "...set not your affections on this mortal world of dust."

  • Being on the receiving end of oppression is preferrable to being an oppressor because the oppressor may not be forgiven - "...I have pledged Myself not to forgive any man's injustice."

  • The perception of security is an error of judgement. Even the wealthy don't have security. Perhaps they may not go to their grave in the manner they most feared, and therefore fortified themselves against, but they may die of other causes that were unexpected. Even those few who live to an old age and die of a natural cause eventually had to die. - "Though this world be fraught with deception and deceit, yet it continually warneth all men of their impending extinction."


Reflect on Our Condition in the Spiritual Worlds Above


A powerful oppressor acts with unbounded authority - slaying, incarcerating, torturing and starving people on a whim. Yet, what is their condition when they die from this world?

The movie "Ghost" 1990 demonstrates their sudden change by depicting an evil man who has the power of life and death over those around him until, in an instant, he is accidentally and unexpectedly killed and must then face the fate that he himself constructed, by his own actions, when he was alive.

Though a work of fiction, that character and his fate are quite real as attested by the passing of Joseph Stalin, the brutal tyrant of the Soviet Union, "the greatest mass murderer in history". Stalin's daughter, Svetlana Stalin (later Lana Peters), described, in 1953, the terror that Stalin experienced as he passed from this world into the spiritual realm

"Father's death was slow and difficult... His face became dark and different... his features were becoming unrecognizable.... The death agony was terrible. It choked him slowly as we watched... At the last moment he suddenly opened his eyes. It was a horrible look - either mad, or angry and full of fear of death.... Suddenly he raised his left hand and sort of either pointed up somewhere, or shook his finger at us all... The next moment his soul, after one last effort, broke away from his body.     -Svetlana Stalin

Svetlana Stalin 2.png

Those who are aware of spiritual realities will know that Stalin was pointing at, and experiencing feelings of utter dread at, the beings that were fast approaching his soul - "the angel of wrath," "the keepers of the fathomless abyss," "the gates of Hell whose fire ... yearneth after thee," "the dreadful scourge of thy Lord," "the angel of affliction," "the angel of chastisement," "the bottomless pit," "an afflictive torment," "promised divine chastisement," "the nethermost fire, and its flames," "the seat of wrath in the fire of hell,"

"Thereupon he cried out in such distress as to cause the people of the graves to tremble, and was seized by the Hand of invincible power."


Addressed to a man who died after living the life of a heartless tyrant

"Woe betide thee, O disbeliever in the Day of Resurrection! This is the nethermost fire, and its flames have been made to blaze for thee. Thou didst forsake all righteous deeds in thy vain and futile life, and now thou hast none to shield thee from God."


Compare the passing of a tyrant to the passing of an ordinary mum or dad citizen of the planet.

The Near Death Experiences of these people all recount tales of unconditional love, rapturous delight, music of such sweetness as cannot be described, the scintilations of the Sea of Light, and a condition free of the limitations of time, space and negativity.

"Worlds, holy and spiritually glorious, will be unveiled to your eyes."


Reflections on these two conditions, the one awaiting tyrants and brutes, the other awaiting the ordinary citizens who have tender, loving and caring hearts, allow us to gain a more balanced perspective on our sufferings.





The authorities have advanced technologies that we should be aware of if we are to prepare properly for the tumult that will assail us from 2023 to 2039.

Spy Vehicles


Spy Phones


Spy Satellites


Spy Summary

​Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16

All vehicles manufactured after 1990 (and some before) spy on us. The Engine Management System has a concealed black box technology similar to an aircraft flight recorder. The car's speed, location (yes, even the cheapest cars have GPS) and other details, are recorded and held for the life of the vehicle. Anyone with a data connection (garage mechanics, police) can plug in and have access to this data. As well, it is reasonable to assume that more recent vehicles may allow the authorities to remotely access our vehicle and control the electronic components - acceleration, brakes, etc, and those vehicles probably broadcast information in real time to the authorities, sending location information, speed, driver fatigue details, etc, through the 4G or 5G networks.

Our phones spy on  us. They are the ever-present 'television' of "1984" by George Orwell.

We have to assume that our phones, even when switched off, transmit our location (even when 'location services' is deactivated), camera views, speed, and audio. Some would argue that such transmissions would be detected and published. However, the media is owned by the authorities (Operation Mockingbird), and such transmissions need only be made intermittently to effectively send basic text information.

As an example, in 2017 it was discovered that Apple had granted to Uber full access to iPhones -

We should assume that more than just the screen contents are shared with Uber and other corporations - the cameras, microphone, etc.  

It is certain that the authorities such as the CIA, NSA and GCHQ, have full and complete access to our phones and data-log all our actions in an electronic file that is linked to our identity.

There is little doubt that the authorities have satellites that photograph every inch of the Earth every day, probably multiple times per day. Have you ever heard of the body of a murdered person being 'found in the woods by a morning bush walker', or 'someone walking their dog', 'hiking in the wilderness', etc. That's the spy satellites in action. The software compares the images from various times and flags changes for closer inspection by a human. Vehicles dropping off a body in a remote location can be identified for further investigation by cell tower triangulation and analysis of suspect vehicles Engine Management System. This, of course, is a legitimate use of the technology but be sure that it was designed primarily for monitoring the enemy, you and I, the harmless citizens of the state.

The reason for outlining some of the intrusive spy technologies is so that we do not become complacent and give away private information that no government has the God-given right to access. As each Deep State or Freemason member passes to the grave they are held accountable for these invasions of our privacy, as outlined above in the Stalin section, just as we will be held accountable for our own sins and transgressions when we die. May God have mercy upon us.



^ GREECE 2018 - Wildfire cannot do this to vehicles. Note the nearby trees have unburned leaves, negating any 'fire tornado' lies.

Perhaps the most difficult technology to avoid is DEW. Though any weapon that uses a focussed and directed energy falls under the DEW umbrella, here we specifically refer to the probably microwave energy that is tuned to resonate metals, heating iron to incandescence and melting alloys such as found in engine blocks and some vehicle wheels.


^ DEW - WHEN CARS BURN AND TREES DONT: Ordinary citizens who can see a picture like this and believe that it was caused by a wildfire are demonstrating that Deep State's efforts to turn them into mindless drones has been successful.

The ability to heat metal from a distance, from perhaps either satellites or high altitude aircraft, gives the state the ability to incinerate any structure or vehicle on the planet. This incineration occurs each summer in various parts of the globe and has been used for many decades.

Have you ever wondered why people who die in their vehicle in a so-called 'wildfire' hug each other? The media tell us its because of their love for each other in their dying moments, whereas its actually because the metal of their car suddenly radiates such intense heat that they are seeking the only form of refuge available - each other. May God have mercy on the souls of the perpetrators of such heinous, such evil actions.

Even a house made entirely of wood has metal nails and screws and is, therefore, susceptible to incineration by DEW.

The only structures that might be capable of evading DEW incineration would be those that are built underground. Perhaps a few meters of earth may provide sufficient shielding. However, the constuction of such a shelter may be noticed by spy satellites.

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